Morrison Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Morrison Chiropractic Winter Lifestyle

5 Lifestyle Changes to Relieve Your Chronic Pain

5 Lifestyle Changes to Relieve Your Chronic Pain Written by: Jackie Waters Chronic pain sufferers often look for a source of their pain so they can make changes and reduce their pain levels. For some chronic pain sufferers, making lifestyle changes is one of the best ways to minimize their pain. We share some tips…

Chiropractic Morrison Chiropractic New Year

Moving Into the New Year

Moving Into the New Year Written by: Brian Morrison, D.C. Don’t just sit there!  “Sitting is the new smoking,” wrote Dr. James Levine in his book, Get Up!: Why Your Chair is Killing You and What You Can Do About It. In an L.A. Times interview, he proclaims: “Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV and is…

Chiropractic Morrison Chiropractic We're on TV

We’re on TV!!

We’re on TV!! Dr. Brian Morrison has spent many years working with the University of Maryland School of Medicine to teach 4th year medical students about pain management. Specifically he has spent much of his time teaching his student alternative treatment methods to decrease the over-prescription of opioids, given that our country is currently facing…

Chiropractor Morrison Chiropractic Brian Morrison

Fighting the Opioid Epidemic; Rethinking Pain Treatment

Fighting the Opiod Epidemic; Rethinking Pain Treatment Last month our very own, Dr. Brian Morrison, was shown in a PBS NewsHour segment (his cameo can be seen at 7.5) that focused on the treatment of pain and the worsening opioid epidemic in the United States. NewHour’s Christopher Booker reported that “Pain is the most common reason…

Chiropractic Morrison Chiropractic Gardening

Gardening Safety Tips

Gardening Safety Tips Gardening season is upon us! And you know what that means, right? Low back pain! Let’s review a few tips to help get you through the season without difficulty. 1) Start each session with 5-7 repetitions of the cat-camel (or cat-cow) exercise. This exercise is performed from the quadruped position, or the…

Chiropractic Morrison Chiropractic Auto Accident

Involved in a Minor Car Accident? Be Sure to Visit Your Chiropractor.

Involved in a Minor Car Accident? Be Sure to Visit Your Chiropractor. I recently watched a webinar on auto accident injuries. I wanted pass along a few pieces of information that can help minimize your injuries in the unfortunate event that you are involved in an accident. Keep the top of your headrest set at…