Arm or Leg Pain in Ellicott City MD?

The shoulder and hip joints are two of the most mobile and frequently used joints in the body. They are also a frequent site of injury and pain for many people we see in our Ellicott City MD chiropractic clinic. From overuse to sports injuries, the causes are many, and the results range from slight discomfort to complete immobilization. The following article from Morrison Chiropractic gives information on some of the most common issues that lead to shoulder and leg pain, as well as a description of how chiropractic adjustments can help to reverse it.
Options For Arm and Leg Pain Relief in Ellicott City MD
The actual cause of arm or leg pain can be difficult to self-diagnose. If you have had an obvious injury, such as stressing a joint through a repetitive pattern at work, dislocating a shoulder playing sports, or pinching a nerve by falling asleep in an awkward position, the source of your immediate pain may be obvious. However, when pain in the arms or legs develops slowly over time without the occurrence of an obvious injury or accident, or when the pain from an injury has become chronic and the source becomes perplexing, you may be in need of a more thorough assessment to determine the source.
There are a number of different possible sources of the pain including bursitis, arthritis, and tendinitis, but misalignments (subluxations) of the vertebrae in the neck and lower back are responsible for the vast majority of chronic arm and leg pain. If the spaces where the nerves leave the spine become narrowed because the vertebrae or discs are out of position, the nerve can become irritated, and often produces pain down its entire path. Many patients are surprised when they see that the nerves travel from the spine all the way to the ends of their fingertips and toes.
As a result, injuries to the vertebrae in the spine can create the sensation of pain anywhere along the entire length of the arms and legs. The pain patterns associated with sciatica, which run from the hip all the way to the foot, are a good example of how this works.
Chiropractic Adjustments for Arm and Leg Pain
Due to the complexity of the joints and the vast number of possible causes of your leg or arm pain, it is important to have a professional evaluation to determine the source. Using a combination of a thorough review of your medical history, a physical examination, and advanced imaging techniques, a chiropractor can get a comprehensive picture that will lead to the root cause of your pain.
Using non-invasive and carefully applied adjustments, chiropractors assist the body in gently re-positioning the vertebrae which can provide both instant and long-term relief. If you are experiencing arm or leg pain, don't wait for it to become unbearable, schedule a consultation with our team at Morrison Chiropractic today.
How Can We Help?
At Morrison chiropractic we will take a thorough history and perform a comprehensive examination in order to discover the source of your condition. The treatment will vary depending on the condition.
If the referred pain into the leg or arm is caused by Joint dysfunction of the vertebrae in the neck or lower back the treatment will be very different then if it caused by shoulder tendonitis, hip arthritis or plantar fasciitis.
Through a careful pattern of treatment, patients at Morrison Chiropractic have experienced high levels of success through chiropractic treatment. If you or a loved one is experiencing arm or leg pain contact us today to schedule an appointment.
Some Common Leg and Arm Injuries
This is a common condition that affects your joints and causes pain, swelling, and stiffness. When it happens in your hips, knees, or ankles, it can be hard to walk or do other everyday activities. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your lower extremities. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in the treatment of Osteo arthritis.
Electrolytes are minerals like sodium, potassium, and calcium that help your muscles work the way they should. You lose some through sweat when you exercise, and if you lose too much, your legs can cramp or feel weak or numb. It can happen when you get some medical treatments, like chemotherapy, too. Sports drinks with electrolytes -- or water along with foods that have those minerals -- can help. See your doctor if you cramp up often.
This condition happens when the spaces within the bones in your spine get narrow. That puts pressure on the nerves in the area and can cause pain, tingling, numbness, or weakness in your legs. You also might have trouble with balance. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your lower extremities. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in the treatment of spinal stenosis.
This is leg pain that comes from a pinched nerve in your lower spine. It can range from a bad cramp to a strong shooting pain that makes it hard to stand or even sit. You might feel it because of a slipped or herniated disk, a slipped vertebra, a spasm of your butt muscles, or spinal stenosis. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your lower extremities. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in the treatment of sciatica.
This is when a muscle gets stretched too far. It happens a lot to people who play sports. The pain is intense and starts right away, and the area is tender to the touch. The best treatment is to ice it with cold packs for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day. Outside of that, wrap the area lightly, keep it raised if you can, and rest it. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your lower extremities. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in the treatment of pulled muscles.
This injury happens when the tissue that connects a bone to a bone, called a ligament, is stretched or torn. Ankle sprains are common. The injured area swells and hurts, and you can’t put weight on it. The best way to treat it is the R.I.C.E. method -- rest, ice (about 20 minutes a few times a day), compression (wrap it in a bandage), and elevation (prop it up). See your Chiropractor so he can evaluate the need for an X-ray to check for broken bones. Chiropractic care is very effective in managing sprains.
This is when a muscle, usually in your calf, suddenly gets tight. It can bring on a sharp pain, and you may feel a hard lump of muscle under your skin. Cramps tend to happen more as you age, and you’re also likely to have them if you’re out in hot weather and don’t drink enough water. Cramps usually go away on their own and aren’t typically a sign of any health issue but talk with your Chiropractor if you have them often.
These happen when the muscles and tissues around your shinbone get inflamed, making the inner edge of the bone hurt. They’re common among people who run a lot. Flat feet, rigid arches, or the wrong shoes can lead to them, too. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your lower extremities. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in the treatment of shin splints.
If pain that feels like shin splints doesn’t get better, you may have a small crack in your shinbone. It happens when the muscles around the bone are overused and don’t cushion the impact of movement the way they should. Rest is the best treatment for a stress fracture, but it can take about 6 to 8 weeks to heal. Make sure it’s healed completely before you start exercising again so you don't make the bone injury worse. And See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your lower extremities. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in managing stress fractures.
Tendons are the flexible cords that connect muscles to bones. It can hurt a lot if they get inflamed, especially when you move that joint. This is called tendinitis, and it’s a wear-and-tear injury that can affect your hip, knee, or ankle. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your lower extremities. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in managing Achilles tendinitis.
When veins have to work extra hard to get blood back to your heart, they bulge and look twisted, blue, or dark purple. They can make your legs feel heavy, burn, throb, or cramp. You’re more likely to have them as you age, or if you’re overweight, pregnant, or stand or sit for long stretches. Losing weight, exercising, or wearing compression stockings may help. If they don’t, talk with your doctor about other treatment options.
Do your feet hurt when you take those first steps in the morning? Does the sharp pain come back after you sit or stand for a while? You could have plantar fasciitis -- and if so, it’s a good idea to treat it ASAP. If you ignore it, it can change the way you walk and lead to knee, hip, and back problems.
Painful Signs - A tough band of tissue, called your plantar fascia, connects your heel bone to your toes. Plantar fasciitis is when this tissue is irritated. A stabbing pain at the bottom of your foot near your heel is the most obvious symptom, but that pain could start off dull and get worse over time. It may hurt to stretch your foot or press on your arch. You’ll also probably ache more after a workout. And See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your lower extremities. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your lower extremities. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in managing Plantar fasciitis
Nine tendons and a nerve (called the median nerve) pass through a tube called the carpal tunnel that goes from your forearm to your palm. Repeated movements, like texting, typing, or video gaming, can inflame the tube and push on the nerve. This could cause pain, especially in your forearm. You might also notice numbness, tingling, and a weaker grip. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in managing carpal tunnel.
Making a motion over and over again, like when you turn a screwdriver, pull weeds, or swing a hammer, can create tiny tears in the tendons that join your muscles to the bones in your arms. Your arm might feel weak and hurt or burn, especially when you use it. Half of the people who play racquet sports (tennis, squash, racquetball) will get a form of tendinitis called tennis elbow at some point because of the constant swinging. Tendinitis is also very common in the shoulder. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in managing tendinitis.
A fall or a hit can tear a ligament, the tissue that connects the bones within a joint. This might happen at your wrist, elbow, or shoulder. It may be swollen, bruised, and hard to use. Treat it with RICE for the first 2 days:
- Rest: Lie down.
- Ice: Use cold packs 20 minutes at a time.
- Compression: Wrap a bandage around the area for support.
- Elevation: Raise the hurt area (above your nose if possible).
See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your arm. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in the treatment of sprains.
You might fall and pull or tear muscles or tendons in your arm. It typically happens when you overextend a joint, like your elbow, wrist, or shoulder. Treat it with RICE For the first 48 hours.
See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in managing strains.
A sudden hit or fall can separate two bones at the joint, often around your wrist or shoulder. The shape of the area might look strange and become swollen, numb, and painful. Sometimes it damages tendons, ligaments, or nerves. Your doctor may push the bones to put them back in place. After that, rest, ice, and chiropractic care will help you heal. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of the injury. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in the treatment of dislocations.
Small fluid-filled sacs called bursa cushion your joints and smooth the friction between muscle and bone. You can irritate them, often if you make the same motion over and over, like lifting boxes or throwing a baseball. Once inflamed, the pain is enough to interfere with simple things like dressing or combing your hair. The shoulder is the most common spot, but it might happen in your elbow, wrist, or anywhere else bones meet. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your upper extremity. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in managing Bursitis.
The rotator cuff muscle sits between two bones: the shoulder blade and upper arm. Injury or overuse, especially in sports, can inflame it. Then, when you lift your arm, the shoulder blade pushes, or impinges, on the muscles, tendons, and bursa around it. This often causes pain and tenderness, especially in the front of your shoulder. Restoring normal function is very important. See your Chiropractor for a functional evaluation of your shoulder. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in managing impingement injuries.
Jelly-filled cushions, or disks, separate the small bones (the vertebrae) of your spine. A disk herniates when jelly leaks out through a tear. This substance can push on nerves and causes pain, numbness, or weakness. It’s typically a neck disk if you feel it in your shoulder or arm. Pain may shoot into your arm or leg when you sneeze, cough, or move a certain way. See your Chiropractor for a full examination. Chiropractic has been found to be very effective in managing herniated disks.
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 12:00pm
7:30am - 12:00pm
Morrison Chiropractic
2850 N Ridge Rd #107
Ellicott City, MD 21043