Carpal Tunnel in Ellicott City MD?

chiropractic care helps patients with carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a painful condition that happens when the median nerve in your wrist is compressed by swelling, often due to an underlying medical condition. It is one of the most common conditions affecting the nerves. Traditionally there were few options to deal with this problem and those available, such as surgery and medication, were invasive and expensive. Fortunately, chiropractors in Ellicott City MD have success when it comes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with a more conservative and gentle approach. If you are wondering whether your wrist pain is caused by Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and want more details on the alternative options available from Ellicott City MD chiropractors, then read on.

Carpal Tunnel Relief Options in Ellicott City MD

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is usually accompanied by sensations of burning, pain, tingling, or swelling in the palm of the hands and extends into the first three fingers and the thumb. Occasionally people also report a feeling of swelling in the hand even when no swelling is present. Patients commonly experience weakness in the affected hand and have difficulty picking up small objects. This condition can have a major impact on a person's lifestyle and in some severe cases, if left untreated, the damage to the median nerve can cause permanent loss of movement in the hand.

What is the Cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The pain experienced with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a result of the swelling and misalignment of tissues and bone which then press on the nerve. Often there is an underlying problem. Some patients have had an obvious injury, a stress or break to the wrist, that causes the symptoms to develop.

The most common cause is related to occupations that involve the long-term use of vibrating instruments and the repetitive use of the hands and wrist. At other times, this issue seems to develop out of nowhere. Metabolic disorders involving the pituitary and thyroid gland can be a contributing factor to the unexplained development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, as can pregnancy and obesity. More commonly, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which develops in one or both wrists without a clear cause, is the result of a nerve irritation stemming from the spine.

How is Carpal Tunnel Relieved?

Traditionally, Carpal Tunnel options have been limited to decompression surgeries, physiotherapy, and prescription medicines. Due to the fact that these options often fail to deal with the underlying problem, they may only provide short-term relief and, at times, can prove completely ineffective. When left untreated, or when unsuccessfully treated, people are forced to adapt their lifestyles to accommodate this debilitating issue. This may include quitting one's job and needing help with basic everyday living.

Fortunately, many people in Ellicott City MD are finding long-term relief from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome through chiropractic adjusments. Chiropractic medicine is a non-invasive alternative that seeks out and deals with the underlying cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. A chiropractor will perform an evaluation of your condition and formulate an individualized care plan that will work to correct nerve interference in the spine and restore you to an optimal state of health. If you are noticing any signs of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome do not hesitate to call our team at Morrison Chiropractic today for a consultation.

How we can help

The most appropriate treatment for your carpal tunnel syndrome largely depends on the underlying cause. We will complete a full history and examination in order to discover the root cause of your symptoms. We will formulate an individualized treatment plan that best suits you.

Getting you back to normal as soon as possible is our number one goal. To do that, we will likely recommend one or more of the following:

  • Joint manipulation to gently restore motion to any “restricted” joints in your hands.
  • Therapy modalities to decrease your pain and limit inflammation.
  • Myofascial release to release muscle tightness and soft-tissue adhesions.
  • Therapeutic stretching and exercise to restore strength, flexibility and ease pain

We understand that making decisions about how to treat carpal tunnel syndrome can be confusing. Unfortunately, patients often find prescription medications and decompression surgeries disappointing. Reporting that their symptoms reappear after a short period of time.

For an alternative approach, contact Morrison Chiropractic today for more information about carpal tunnel or to schedule a consultation.


7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 7:00pm

7:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Morrison Chiropractic

2850 N Ridge Rd #107
Ellicott City, MD 21043

(410) 465-0555